KCR, the Chief Minister of Telangana, is the one behind the news reports about a change of leadership in the State BJP unit, according to Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the BJP State president and MP. Kumar mentioned that several national leaders of the party, including Tarun Chugh, have stated on multiple occasions that there will be a change in the BJP State president in Telangana. However, some news channels keep reporting that Kumar himself will be replaced, which he believes is a false campaign against him orchestrated by CM KCR. Despite these rumors, Kumar stated that their party activists have become accustomed to hearing such news.
As part of the “Mera Booth Sabse Majboot” program, Vistaraks from other states arrived at Secunderabad Railway Station and were warmly welcomed by Bandi Sanjay Kumar. A total of 650 Vistaraks have come to Telangana to support the BJP’s efforts in strengthening their presence at all polling booths across the country. They will be received at Secunderabad, Mancherial, and Kazipet stations and will be sent to all the mandals (administrative divisions) in the State. Inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, these Vistaraks will travel to different mandals in Telangana to work on strengthening the party’s position at the polling booths.