BJP National General Secretary Bandi Sanjay held a press conference on Friday. He said that eight BRS MLAs and five sitting MPs of the party are in touch with the BJP. However, he made it clear that there will be no alliance with BRS under any circumstances.
Sanjay criticized KCR for playing political drama. He mentioned that Prime Minister Modi is not in a position to ally with corrupt parties. He also said that BRS was not included in the NDA while it was in power, so there is no reason for the BJP to join forces with them now. Sanjay stated that the existing BRS sitting MPs are taking care of local issues.
Furthermore, Sanjay accused the Congress government of corruption in the Kaleswaram project. He questioned why criminal cases have not been filed against them. Sanjay mentioned that the BJP has visited the Kaleswaram project and submitted a report to the Central Dam Safety Authority, highlighting the project’s flaws. He also raised concerns about the recovery of the alleged corrupt money of one lakh crores in the project.
Sanjay criticized the BRS for speaking about the Krishna River Management Board (KRMB) issue. He accused the Congress and BRS of being supported by the “Rajakars” and MIM parties. Sanjay emphasized that the contest in Telangana is between the Congress and BJP. He claimed that if the alleged stolen votes are removed, the BJP will win in Hyderabad Parliament as well. Sanjay warned that if the promises made by the Congress party are not implemented, they will face backlash from the people.