BJP national general secretary, Bandi Sanjay, laid the foundation stone for a community hall in Mankamma Thota in Karimnagar on Friday. He criticized Chief Minister KCR for making false promises to regain power. Sanjay mocked KCR, saying he would even promise to give each family 3 acres of land on the moon. He also mentioned that some nominated BR leaders for the upcoming Assembly polls would be denied B-forms.
Sanjay had a discussion with BJP MLAs from other states and expressed his concerns to the media. He pointed out that KCR himself had admitted that all the sitting MLAs were taking 30 percent commissions, so it was strange to declare them all as BRS candidates. Sanjay suspected that there was a hidden plan behind this and predicted that KCR would deny tickets to many of them before the election notification.
Sanjay also questioned why not a single woman was given a place in the first cabinet and how many women are currently involved in the government. He suggested that KCR’s daughter should provide an answer to this question.