BJP National General Secretary and MP, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, recently attended a ‘Meet and Greet’ program organized by the Global Telangana Association Forum. The event marked one year of collaboration with Telangana people living abroad. During his address at the meeting, Kumar praised the hardworking nature of the participating NRIs. He emphasized the importance of understanding the problems faced by people through personal experience and expressed a desire to solve these issues.
Kumar also acknowledged the invaluable contributions of NRIs who have studied hard and dedicated themselves to serving India while living abroad. He referenced a quote by Swami Vivekananda, stating that he sees India as the world’s highest throne. Kumar commended Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his efforts in making India a global leader, highlighting the country’s economic progress under his leadership.
Kumar mentioned that India went from being ranked 10th to 5th in terms of economic power during Modi’s tenure. He expressed confidence in Modi’s determination to further elevate India’s status, aiming for the country to become the world’s third-largest economy in the next five years. Kumar called for another chance for Modi to fulfill his vision of transforming India into a developed nation by 2047.