Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the BJP President of Telangana and MP for Karimnagar, criticized Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for failing to fulfill ten promises he made to the people of Telangana. In a tweet, Kumar listed the unfulfilled promises, which included turning Karimnagar into London and Warangal into Washington, providing 3 acres of land to Dalits, and developing Badrachalam temple. Kumar demanded that CM KCR provide a report on the government’s achievements during the ongoing celebrations of the Telangana State formation.
Kumar also questioned the need for celebrations when no section of the Telangana population is happy. He accused CM KCR of not disbursing salaries to employees and denying subsidies to farmers. Kumar highlighted issues related to newly constructed projects, hiding Government Orders from the public, and leaving farmers in a lurch with the Dharani portal. He accused CM KCR of not fulfilling his promises and demanded that he reveal the facts to the people during the celebrations.