The state president of the BJP party, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, strongly criticized Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s reported efforts to prevent the privatization of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant by submitting an expression of interest to participate in its bidding. During a press conference, Kumar referred to IT Minister K T Rama Rao as “Twitter Tillu” and questioned KCR’s sudden interest in VSP and North Andhra. He accused the BRS chief of using taxpayers’ money from Telangana to be distributed in Punjab and asked whether KCR considered Telangana his fiefdom. Kumar also alleged that thousands of crores of Singareni Collieries Company Ltd have been siphoned off, resulting in job losses and forcing SSCL to break its fixed bank reserves to meet salary bills. He further pointed out that KCR has failed to revive several factories in the state, including Nizam Sugar Factory, Sirpur Khagaznagar Paper Mills, and Kamalapur Rayons Factory. Despite his inability to pay salaries to government staff or implement electoral promises, KCR wants to purchase VSP, according to Kumar.
Bandi questions CM’s ability to bid for VSP despite inability to pay salaries on time
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