The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is preparing to announce its first list of candidates for the upcoming elections in Telangana. The list will include about 55 candidates. According to sources, if the BJP comes to power in Telangana, they plan to appoint a candidate from the Backward Classes (BC) as the Chief Minister.
Among the candidates, it is reported that Bandi Sanjay Kumar will be contesting from the Karimnagar constituency. However, the names of D K Aruna, Vijayashanti, and state president G Kishan Reddy are not expected to be announced in the first list. The constituencies of Amberpet, Musheerabad, and Gadwal will also be left pending.
Some of the likely candidates to be included in the first list are Sirpur Palvvai Harish, Suryapet Sankineni, Bhupalpally Keertireddy, Jagtial B Sravani, Bodh Sayam Babu Rao, Eatala Rajender from Huzarabad, Dharampuri Aravind from Korutla, Nirmal Maheshwar Reddy, Dubbaka Raghunandan Rao, Balakonda Annapurnamma, Kollapur Sudheer Rao, and Warangal Erabelli Pradeep.
The first list is expected to have representation from various communities, including 26 BCs, 14 SC STs, 14 Reddy’s, 11 women, three sitting MPs, and three sitting MLAs.