BJP state leaders from Telangana are traveling to Delhi for a Union Cabinet meeting led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Raghunandan Rao has already arrived in Delhi and is meeting with several important leaders. Rao is hoping to become the leader of the legislative party and is discussing this with top leaders and Central Ministers.
There is some tension within the BJP as state leaders are being called to Delhi before the important meeting. There have been reports that the Telangana president of the party will be changed, which has been clarified by Party State chief Bandi Sanjay and other top leaders. However, recent developments have once again brought attention to these activities.
The Council of Ministers meeting will take place on Monday evening and there is excitement within the party about Bandi Sanjay’s visit to Delhi once again. Raghunandan Rao also went to Delhi before Sanjay, which has led to speculation about changes in state leadership. It is rumored that there have been long-standing differences between the two leaders and they have not met for a few days.
On July 1, former MP and BJP leader AP Jithender Reddy requested the party high command to appoint MLA M Raghunandan Rao as the national party’s spokesperson. This request was made because Raghunandan Rao has been absent from party events for the past few days. Jithender Reddy shared a video on social media that caused controversy within the party, but later claimed that his message was misinterpreted by ruling party leaders.
Reddy clarified that his tweet was directed at those who questioned the leadership of State BJP president Bandi Sanjay.