BJP National General Secretary, MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar, has promised that Central funds will be provided for the construction of a special hostel for women degree college students in Karimnagar. During his visit to the Women’s Government Degree College in Karimnagar, he inspected the solar power generation system that was built using funds from the MP LADs. Bandi interacted with the students and mentioned that the solar power system will solve issues related to power and water.
Bandi also expressed his intention to make Karimnagar Women’s Degree College a top college. He emphasized that education should not only focus on careers but also on values, culture, and goals.
In a media interaction, Bandi highlighted the unfair treatment of Sarpanches in Telangana. He mentioned that the sarpanches are planning to protest from next week, and the party leadership will be consulted to support their struggle. Bandi criticized the government for not clearing the pending bills of the Sarpanches and wrote a letter to Chief Minister Revanth Reddy regarding this issue. He warned that the Congress government should rectify the mistakes of the previous government and address the grievances of the Sarpanches, or else they will face consequences like BRS.
Shifting focus to the upcoming Parliament elections, Bandi criticized former MP Vinod Kumar for being a non-local who showed no concern for the people of Karimnagar. He claimed that Vinod Kumar is only getting involved in drama now that elections are approaching, but nobody pays attention to him, not even his own party workers. Bandi expressed confidence in BJP’s success in the parliamentary elections, predicting that they would win more than 350 seats overall and at least 10 seats in Telangana. He also stated that only parties joining the NDA alliance have a future, and leaders joining BJP in Telangana will have a promising future.