Hyderabad: Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the National BJP general secretary and Karimnagar MP, strongly criticized the alleged police brutality against students (ABVP) at Kakatiya University. He claimed that the students were “beaten” by Warangal Police Commissioner A Ranganath. The incident occurred after the students raised objections to “irregularities” in PhD admissions at KU. They also exposed financial irregularities and corruption in the university hostels amounting to crores of rupees. The students peacefully protested outside the V-C’s chamber on Wednesday evening but were arrested and taken to the task force office by the Police Commissioner.
MP Bandi alleged that the students suffered serious injuries due to the police’s high-handedness while in custody. However, the police presented manipulated medical reports to the district judge when the arrested students were brought before him. The students shared their experiences and showed their injuries to the judge.
According to Bandi, the students informed the court that the Commissioner of Police had warned that ABVP activists would be shot if they questioned the V-C or appeared on campus. The injured students were transferred to MGM Hospital for treatment.
The MP stated that the police’s handling of the students, treating them as if they were hardened criminals, when taking them to the Task Force office, was a serious lapse and warrants further investigation.