BJP national general secretary Bandi Sanjay Kumar challenged Congress MP and Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi to visit Osmania University. Sanjay accused Rahul of claiming that unemployment is a major issue in BJP-ruled States, despite the Congress being in power in Telangana. He urged Rahul to speak to the unemployed at Osmania University to understand the situation better.
Sanjay moved a resolution to thank the people of Telangana for supporting BJP candidates and ensuring the party’s victory for the third time under PM Modi. He criticized Congress for not providing any jobs to the unemployed in Telangana despite being in power for seven months after winning the Assembly elections. In contrast, he mentioned that the Centre led by Modi has created 10 lakh jobs in the public sector through Rozgar Melas.
Sanjay emphasized that unemployment is a pressing issue in Telangana and challenged Rahul Gandhi to witness it firsthand at Osmania University. He accused Congress of deceiving the unemployed population and highlighted the efforts made by the Centre to address the problem.