The government, led by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, has been working on various initiatives to support the Mudiraj community. Deputy chairman of the Legislative Council, Dr. Banda Prakash Mudiraj, expressed his confidence in the government’s efforts and stated that the community would fully support the party in the upcoming elections.
During a press conference at Telangana Bhavan, Dr. Banda Prakash Mudiraj highlighted some of the government’s achievements. Under the leadership of Chief Minister KCR, the number of fisheries cooperative societies has increased from 2,000 to 6,000. Additionally, a budget of Rs.1,000 crore has been allocated for fishing boats under the IFDS scheme, which provides a 75% subsidy.
Dr. Banda Prakash Mudiraj also mentioned some recent decisions made by the government to address the issues faced by the Mudiraj community. The ponds owned by gram panchayats have been transferred to the Fisheries department, and legal problems faced by fishermen have been addressed through GO 98, which includes provisions specifically for the Mudiraj community.
Expressing their trust in Chief Minister KCR, Dr. Banda Prakash Mudiraj stated that Mudiraj leaders will receive representation in various positions, from the Rajya Sabha to local bodies. They urged the community to campaign across the state and seek support for the party. Dr. Banda Prakash Mudiraj called upon the Mudiraj community to work towards victory for the party.