On Friday, three police officers in Hyderabad were caught accepting a bribe of Rs three lakh from a pub owner. The officers involved are Inspector M Narender, Sub inspector S Naveen Reddy, and Hari Home Guard. The pub owner, Neela Rajeswara Rao, is also the president of Telangana Bajrang Sena.
The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) received a complaint from the managing partner of the dancing club and launched an investigation. The ACB stated that the officers had demanded a bribe of Rs 4.5 lakh initially, but later settled for Rs 3 lakh per month for three months. Narender also threatened to file a false case against the pub owner if the money was not given. Additionally, the home guard, Hari, demanded an extra Rs 10,000 for himself.
To collect the bribe, the officers sent several WhatsApp messages to the complainant. When the demand was not met, Narender harassed the complainant by filing a false case against him with the help of another officer. On September 30, they called the complainant to the pub, took him to Banjara Hills police station, and detained him for hours.
The complainant approached the ACB, and a case was registered against the officers. The ACB found some cash at the police station and seized it. Searches were also conducted at other locations. The case is currently under investigation, and further action will be taken according to the law.