Satish Kumar, accused of attacking Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, has been given bail with conditions by the 8th Additional District Court in Vijayawada. The court made this decision after a hearing on Satish’s request for bail, where arguments from both sides were considered.
During the hearing, Saleem, Satish’s defense lawyer, argued that his client was wrongly accused by the police. However, the public prosecutor claimed that Satish had deliberately attacked the Chief Minister. After hearing these arguments, the judge decided to grant bail to Satish.
The incident took place while Jagan Mohan Reddy was campaigning on a bus for his Memantha Siddham Bus Yatra on April 13 in Vijayawada. He was attacked near Ajit Singh Nagar, resulting in Vellampalli Srinivas, who was with the Chief Minister, getting injured in the eye. The police filed a case of attempted murder and set up a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to look into the matter.
The SIT identified Satish Kumar from Vaddera Colony in Ajit Singh Nagar as the person who threw concrete stones at the Chief Minister. Satish was arrested and sent to judicial remand at Nellore Jail. With the conditional bail granted, Satish is expected to be released soon pending further legal procedures.