The Telangana High Court dismissed a petition from Dastagiri, the main accused in the YS Vivekananda Reddy murder case, which sought to cancel the bail of Kadapa MP Y S Avinash Reddy, who is running for MP again on behalf of YSR Congress Party. Meanwhile, another petition from Avinash Reddy’s father, YE Bhaskar Reddy, who is in jail, was granted bail by the High Court.
This is the second time that the High Court has granted relief to the Kadapa MP. Dastagiri has filed petitions against Avinash Reddy regarding his bail, as well as against TDP leader N Chandrababu Naidu and Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee president YS Sharmila for talking about the Vivekananda Reddy murder case publicly.
YS Bhaskara Reddy, the father of the Kadapa MP, has been in jail in connection with the same case since June 2023. He was granted escort bail for a short period in December. The case has become complicated with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) taking over the investigation initially, and then the Andhra Pradesh Government, led by YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, deciding to conduct its own probe and opposing the CBI investigation.