Senior Congress leader and former MP V Hanumantha Rao (VH) expressed anger at BJP and Ayodhya Trust for not inviting Bhadradri temple to the Prana Pratishta event in Ayodhya. VH visited Lord Rama temple and offered prayers. He mentioned that the Bhadradri Lord Rama temple is a historical temple known as South Ayodhya. VH accused the BJP government of playing religious politics to gain votes. He pointed out that the Bhadrachalam temple is in Telangana, where the Congress party is in power. Due to this reason, the BJP and the RSS, Ayodhya Trust did not extend an invitation to the temple for this event. VH demanded that the BJP government recognize the Lord Rama temple at Bhadrachalam and provide support for its development.
Ayodhya Trust Criticized by VH for Neglecting Bhadradri
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