The Akshata Kalash Pooja programme was celebrated in Ayodhya on November 5 as part of the Ayodhya Sri Rama Janmabhoomi Mandir Pranapratistha Mahotsava. The programme took place at the Sri Rama Janmabhoomi Mandir under the supervision of the Sri Rama Janmabhoomi Teertha Kshetra Trust. Two representatives from each state, including Dr Ravinuthala Shasidhar and Srinivas Rao from Telangana, participated in the pooja and received Akshatas.
The Akshatas were expected to arrive at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport on Monday morning. Swamijis will welcome the Akshatas at the airport and a Shobha Yatra procession will be held from the airport to the Hanuman Mandir in Karmanghat. A special puja will be performed at the temple.
As part of the Jana Jagarana programme, a portrait of Lord Ram and the Akshatas will be distributed to every home from January 1 to 15. A handout will also be provided with details on the steps to observe on the day of Prana Pratishta in Ayodhya. Devotees can watch the live telecast of the Prana Pratista ceremony on January 22 and place the Akshatas on their heads to seek blessings from Rama Lalla.
The Sri Rama Janmabhoomi Teertha Kshetra Trust has asked devotees to light five lamps outside their homes and celebrate the Prana Pratishta ceremony of Rama Lalla’s installation in the Grand Ram Mandir at Ayodhya.
Sir jai sri Ram