The IT Minister of Sircilla, KT Rama Rao, launched a new app called Safe Auto on Tuesday. The app was designed by district SP Akhil Mahajan to improve passenger safety in auto rickshaws and cabs. The app works by collecting information from the vehicle owners and creating a QR code that can be scanned while traveling in an auto. The code displays the driver’s information and offers three options: Emergency Call or Text, Emergency Complaint, and Rating.
If a passenger feels unsafe, they can respond with an emergency call or text, which will send their live location to the command and control center and notify the nearest police. A complaint can also be filed through the app if the driver misbehaves, drives recklessly, is intoxicated, or leaves the scene of an accident. Passengers can also give a rating to the vehicle they are traveling in. The QR code will help prevent crimes and ensure that passengers arrive at their destination safely.
The Safe Auto app was implemented by the district police system, and the IT Minister praised them for their efforts to improve passenger safety. The app will provide more comfort and safety for passengers traveling in auto rickshaws and cabs in the district. The app launch took place during the closing ceremony of the District Police Games at Sircilla Mini Stadium.