Hyderabad district election authorities are working to ensure that all eligible voters participate in the upcoming Lok Sabha election by distributing Voter Information Slips (VIS) door-to-door. These slips contain important details like part and serial numbers in the electoral rolls and polling booth information. Booth-level officers are leading this effort.
Officials are not only distributing the VIS but also providing guidance to voters on how to cast their votes at the polling booths. This is in line with the Election Commission of India’s directives to reach out to as many voters as possible and encourage them to exercise their voting rights.
During home visits, the election team is informing voters about various applications launched by the ECI under the SVEEP programme. They are helping voters download these apps, explaining their usage, and affixing ‘I am proud to be a voter’ stickers on their doors.
Many eligible voters lack awareness about the importance of voting, their rights, and the electoral process. Illiteracy rates in some regions further complicate matters for voters in understanding polling procedures and casting their votes.
Hyderabad District Election Officer Ronald Rose highlighted efforts to increase voter turnout in the Hyderabad and Secunderabad parliamentary constituencies. Awareness programmes led by booth-level officers, self-help groups, and other representatives include meetings with women’s groups, rallies, and engaging with street vendors.
DEO Ronald Rose mentioned that voter slips are being distributed door-to-door to remind voters of the polling date. The district has a total of 45,70,138 voters across both constituencies, with 23,30,574 male voters, 22,39,240 female voters, and 324 third gender voters. There are 3,986 polling stations in Greater Hyderabad.
The distribution of voter slips will be completed by May 3 to ensure no voter misses out on this important information. DEO Ronald Rose handed over the first voter slip to Telangana DGP Ravi Gupta and Telangana election CEO Vikas Raj.