Former Maharashtra CM, Ashok Shankarrao Chavan, stated that the Congress party will form the next government in Telangana. He criticized Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) for his boastfulness about the Kaleshwaram project and claimed that people are becoming aware of its flaws. Chavan highlighted how Rahul Gandhi’s visit exposed these faults and predicted that it would lead to KCR’s removal from office.
Chavan, who is the Congress’s special observer for the Telangana Assembly elections, spoke to the media at Gandhi Bhavan. He explained that the major lift irrigation project was originally named Ambedkar SujalaShravanti by the Congress government. However, KCR redesigned it and changed its name.
Accusing KCR of turning the project into an ATM, Chavan alleged that he not only renamed it but also inflated the project costs significantly. He further claimed that the Kaleshwaram project’s design has serious flaws, which were pointed out by Rahul Gandhi during his site visit.
Former MP Renuka Chowdhury strongly criticized the BRS government and raised concerns about the future of the project, which was funded by taxpayers’ money. She questioned whether the villagers near the project were considered and urged KCR to acknowledge its failure.
In summary, Chavan and Chowdhury both voiced their dissatisfaction with KCR and expressed their belief that the flaws in the Kaleshwaram project would lead to his downfall.
Ashok Shankarrao Chavan predicts KCR’s loss of CM’s position due to the opening of Kaleshwaram’s lid in Hyderabad
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