Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is launching a magazine called ‘Samaj Kalyan Patrika’ to provide information about government schemes for marginalized communities. This includes schemes for SC/ST welfare, pensioners, differently-abled individuals, and laborers. The magazine will be distributed to government schools, libraries, MLA offices, district offices, and zonal offices. It will also have a QR code for easy access to information. The goal is to increase awareness and connect with the grassroots population.
The purpose of this initiative is to inform the public about the available schemes for marginalized and differently-abled individuals. By doing so, it eliminates the need for people to visit district offices or go through a lengthy bureaucratic process. Instead, citizens will have comprehensive knowledge of the schemes, eligibility criteria, application procedures, and how to avail themselves of these opportunities.
The magazine will be officially launched in October, with Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal hosting an event at the Shah Auditorium on Raj Niwas Marg. Social Welfare Minister Raaj Kumar Anand will also be present.
Recently, Kejriwal has been inaugurating streets and colony roads in various assembly constituencies. During these visits, he has interacted with the public to highlight the achievements of the AAP government and share his vision for India’s growth.
The social welfare department is also registering construction workers by using mobile vans at construction sites. Additionally, they are planning to launch an online portal to make the system more user-friendly. This will allow citizens, especially differently-abled individuals, to apply for benefits online without visiting district offices.