The Defense Ministry in India has given approval to buy new equipment for the Army, including Navy helicopters and special weapons. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has decided to spend around Rs 7800 crore on these items. The Defense Acquisition Council (DAC), headed by Rajnath Singh, approved procurement bids worth over Rs 7,800 crore. This includes the purchase of an electronic warfare suite for Mi-17 V5 helicopters, as well as weapons for Indian Navy MH-60R helicopters.
The DAC has authorized the procurement and deployment of an Electronic Warfare (EW) suite on Mi-17 V5 helicopters to improve the efficiency of the Indian Air Force. The EW suite will be supplied by Bharat Electronics Limited. The DAC has also approved the purchase of ground-based autonomous systems for mechanized infantry and armored regiments. These systems will assist in various operations such as unmanned surveillance, ammunition and fuel supply, spare parts supply, and casualty evacuation.
Additionally, the DAC has approved plans for the procurement of a 7.62×51 mm Light Machine Gun (LMG) and a bridge-laying tank (BLT). The induction of the LMG will enhance the combat capability of the infantry forces, while the BLT will increase the mobility of mechanized forces. The Indian Army has also been given approval to purchase robust computers and tablets under project ‘Shakti’. All purchases will be made from indigenous vendors.
Lastly, the DAC agreed to acquire weapons to improve the operating capability of the Indian Navy’s MH-60R helicopters.