Arjun Ram Meghwal, the Union Minister of State for Law and Justice, spoke to the media in Hyderabad on Monday. He said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has implemented many welfare schemes in the nine years it has been in power. The government has also focused on good governance and helping poor people. Meghwal presented a progress report on what the government has achieved in those nine years.
The government has launched a technology-backed direct benefit transfer scheme (DBTS). This scheme puts financial assistance directly into the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. This has saved Rs 1.9 lakh crore. The government has also worked hard to maintain peace in the country. There have been no bomb blasts or major disturbances in the last nine years.
Meghwal praised Modi’s leadership during the Covid pandemic. The government has effectively handled the pandemic and administered 220 crore Covid vaccine doses.