Hyderabad: Amid chaos, the Appropriation Bill 2024-25 for Rs 2,91,159 crore was passed by the Assembly. The bill was approved despite protests by BRS members who demanded an apology from CM Revanth Reddy for his alleged remarks on “Akka’s”.
Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar adjourned the House for 10 minutes at 1:17 pm, but it did not resume until around 4 pm. When proceedings resumed, BRS members wanted the Speaker to allow women members to speak about the CM’s comments on ‘Akka’s’. The Speaker did not permit this, prompting BRS members to walk into the well of the House.
KTR accused the opposition’s voice of being suppressed in the House. Despite the Speaker’s appeals to restore order, KTR continued to allege that the opposition was being humiliated. AIMIM member Akbaruddin Owaisi suggested that Sabitha Indra Reddy should be allowed to speak since her name was mentioned, which he believed could restore order.
Legislative Affairs Minister D Sridhar Babu argued that since the CM did not mention anyone by name, the rule did not apply.
As the disorder persisted, Minister Seethakka intervened, reminding BRS members of their treatment of women, citing the disregard for former Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan under the BRS regime. This infuriated BRS legislators, who began clapping and chanting slogans like ‘Tanashahi Nahichalegi’ (no more dictatorship).
Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka intervened at this point, expressing his discomfort over the disruption of Assembly decorum. Despite the ongoing opposition protests, he moved the bill of Rs 2.91 lakh crore, which was adopted by a voice vote.