The Andhra Pradesh Crime Investigation Department (CID) has sent notices to the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) requesting information about their bank accounts before November 18, 2023. A CID constable personally delivered the notices to the TDP headquarters secretary in Mangalagiri.
The CID is investigating the flow of funds from the Rs 371 crore skill scam into the TDP’s bank accounts. They are also seeking details about the deposits made into the party’s various bank accounts. Former Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu, who is the party head, was arrested in connection with the case but is currently out on bail due to poor health.
The TDP has accused the CID of deliberately targeting and harassing the party through these inquiries. The party claims that this is the second time they have received notices from the CID, even though their petition in the Andhra Pradesh High Court is still pending. The TDP argues that they cannot disclose the details of funds donated by entities to the public.