Police have arrested five people in connection with the recent low-intensity blast incidents near the Golden Temple in Amritsar. There have been three explosions in the city in less than a week, with the most recent occurring on Wednesday night in Galiara, an area around the Golden Temple. The motive behind the blasts is not yet clear, and a special investigation team will be formed to further investigate the matter.
The first explosion took place on May 6 on a heritage street near the shrine. The second occurred less than 30 hours after the first blast. The third happened on Wednesday night in Galiara behind Guru Ramdas Ji Niwas (inn) building. The Punjab Director-General of Police, Gauarv Yadav, addressed the media and said that they are investigating whether the five arrested persons were a self-radicalized module or worked at the direction of some other persons. The accused have been identified as Azadvir Singh, Amrik Singh, Sahib Singh, Harjit Singh and Dharminder Singh.