The Ordnance Factory Medak (OFMK) in Hyderabad recently organized the annual floatation trials of Infantry Combat Vehicles (BMP-II & its variants) that are made at their unit in Teddumailaram, Sangareddy. These trials are done every year to ensure that the vehicles can perform in all types of terrains on the battlefield. For this year’s trials, two vehicles were chosen: the BMP-II and an overhauled BMP-II. The OFMK and DGQA supervised the trials.
The BMP-II vehicles are designed to transport troops in war zones. Despite weighing 14 tonnes, they can travel at speeds of 60 kmph on land and 7 kmph on water. They are equipped with night sight capability, a main gun of 30 mm, 7.62 rifles, and a Missile Launcher provision. They also have features like a smoke grenade launcher and all-around fire protection with armor steel. The OFMK is currently manufacturing seven different variants of the BMP-II, each with its own application and purpose. The factory produces around 120 vehicles annually, including not only the BMP variants but also MPVs, CRN-91, and bulletproof vehicles for paramilitary forces and naval applications. The trials were overseen by B. Ratna Prasad, GM/Quality and R&D, along with a team of officers and staff from OFMK.