Jadcherla MLA Janampally Anirudh Reddy has decided to reject police escort during his visits to various mandals and villages in the constituency. He submitted a representation to District DIG LS Chauhan, SP Harshavardhan, and ASP Ramulu, stating that he already has 2+2 gunmen security provided by the state government. Therefore, he believes that additional security from the local police is unnecessary. Reddy personally met with the District DIG, SP, and additional SP, requesting the withdrawal of the local police escort. He suggested that the local police should focus on resolving public issues instead of accompanying him. Reddy emphasized that the existing security is sufficient and expressed concern for the shortage of manpower in the police department. He proposed that the time spent escorting him could be used to address community problems and maintain law and order in the region.
Anirudh Reddy refuses police escort in Mahbubnagar
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