Anil Kumar Lahoti, the chairman and CEO of the Railway Board, inspected the Kavach system of the South Central Railway between Lingampally and Chitgidda stations on Sunday. During his visit, he traveled on a locomotive equipped with the Kavach system and observed its functions. The system automatically regulates the speed of a train while passing through loop lines and whistles automatically while passing through level-crossing gates. Additionally, the Kavach system prevents a train from crossing the signal at danger (SPAD).
One of the most significant features of the Kavach system is that it helps to avoid train collisions. The system automatically applies brakes without the need for human intervention, which can prevent both rear-collisions and head-on collisions. Lahoti observed this feature during his visit and was impressed by its effectiveness in ensuring safety.
Later, Lahoti reviewed the Centre of Excellence for Kavach at the Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engineering and Telecommunications with senior SCR officials. He reviewed all sub-systems of Kavach and how it helps to make train operations safer.
The Kavach system is one of the major steps taken by the railways to improve safety. The SCR has been leading in its deployment across its rail network by already commissioning Kavach across 1,465 km. The sections where it is deployed include 959 km along the Nagarsol – Nanded – Dharmabad – Nizamabad – Secunderabad – Kurnool City – Dhone–Guntakal section; 331 km along the Parbhani – ParliVaijnath – Latur Road – Bidar–Vikarabad section and 175 km along the Wadi – Vikarabad–Sanatnagar sections, said a senior SCR officer.