The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has accused the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) of trying to defame Suneetha, daughter of former MP and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s uncle, YS Vivekananda Reddy. Suneetha has been demanding justice for her father’s murder, and posters announcing her political entry with the TDP have surfaced in Kadapa district. The CBI is currently investigating the murder case, which has led to the arrest of Bhaskar Reddy, father of Kadapa MP Avinash Reddy. Avinash has also been questioned by the CBI, and Suneetha has accused him and his father of being involved in the murder.
Vivekananda was found dead in his home in Pulivendula on March 15, 2019. The TDP has accused CM Jagan of trying to shield his relatives Avinash and Bhaskar from the CBI, as they have been named as prime suspects in the murder case. The posters that surfaced in Proddatur town featured Suneetha’s image, along with her deceased father and husband, as well as prominent TDP leaders. Former Proddatur MLA and TDP leader Nandyala Varada Rajulu Reddy has accused the YSRCP of conspiring to put up the posters in an attempt to defame Suneetha.
Political analyst Professor K Nageshwar believes that the posters could be part of a strategy to falsely attribute political motives to Suneetha’s struggle for justice. He suggests that the YSRCP may be trying to create an impression that Suneetha is acting against the ruling party’s leadership on the behest of TDP, which could further politicise her quest for justice.