The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, will launch a program called Skill Universe on October 16, 2023. This program aims to modernize skill development and training institutes in the state by investing Rs. 100 crore. The government plans to issue job offers to skilled individuals and sign agreements with major industries for skill development.
The program will involve collaboration between industries and the state government to develop the latest skill infrastructure. The government will also launch a web portal and mobile application called Skill Universe, which will serve as a one-stop solution for all skill development-related activities. This platform will enable industries to identify skilled manpower according to their requirements.
The Principal Secretary to the government, S. Suresh Kumar, explained that Skill Universe will be an advanced version that brings together all stakeholders on a single platform. It will provide real-time analytics on the progress of different courses and availability of employment opportunities. Both candidates seeking training and job providers can register on this platform, making it easier to explore options.
Skill Universe will also be integrated with government portals like Skill India Digital, Employees Provident Fund Organisation, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Between June 2019 and September 2023, over 14 lakh candidates received training in various skills. Out of them, around 3.4 lakh candidates secured gainful employment.
In addition to the Skill Universe program, the government plans to modernize 83 Government Industrial Training Institutes, 87 Polytechnic Colleges, and 26 Skill Colleges across the state. These institutes will be re-branded as industry-cum-training centers and equipped with the latest machinery to cater to local and global industrial requirements. The government has already finalized tie-ups with 182 major industries for this purpose, including Kia Motors, L&T, JSW, Samsung, UltraTech, Schneider Electric, Hyundai Steel, and Johnson Lifts and Escalators. These industries will also offer job opportunities to the trained youth.