Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy visited former Telangana Chief Minister and BRS President K Chandrashekar Rao at his residence in Hyderabad. YS Jagan arrived at the Begumpet airport in the city from Vijayawada on a special flight and was received by BRS MLAs Vemula Prashant Reddy and Palla Rajeshwar Reddy. At KCR’s residence, YS Jagan was welcomed by BRS working president K T Rama Rao and other senior BRS leaders. YS Jagan spent an hour at KCR’s residence and asked about his health. KCR had recently undergone hip surgery after falling at his farmhouse. Many political leaders and celebrities had previously visited KCR when he was admitted to the hospital for his surgery.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Reddy extends courtesy visit to BRS leader KCR
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