Telangana State BJP chief G Kishan Reddy recently met with senior party leaders to discuss an upcoming visit from Union Home Minister Amit Shah. Shah is scheduled to arrive in Hyderabad on March 12th. Upon his arrival, he will visit the Bhagya Lakshmi temple to offer prayers at 11 am.
Following the temple visit, Shah will meet with social media warriors at a convention center at 12:30 pm. He will then address the Vijaya Sankalpa Sabha, where he will interact with leaders of the party’s polling booths and those in higher ranks. The meeting will be attended by various BJP leaders including Kishan Reddy, Dr K Laxman, DK Aruna, and national general secretaries Bandi Sanjay Kumar, Tarun Chugh, and Sunil Bansal.
In addition to these leaders, national executive members AP Hithender Reddy and Eatala Rajender Reddy, as well as BJP MLAs and MLCs, will also be present at Shah’s meeting in Hyderabad.