The BJP’s election manifesto will be released on Saturday evening by BJP leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah. He will arrive in the city on Saturday afternoon instead of Friday night. A special flight will land at Begumpet Airport at 12 o’clock. From there, he will travel to Gadwal and participate in the BJP election meeting at 12.50 pm. At 2.45 pm, they will depart from Gadwal for Nalgonda.
At 3.35 pm, he will participate in a meeting at Nalagona. Later, they will reach Warangal at 4.20 pm and address a public meeting there. At 6 pm, he will return to Begumpet. Amit Shah will release the BJP’s election manifesto at Hotel Katriya at 6.10 pm. From 6.45 to 7.45 in the evening, they will attend a meeting of MMPS chiefs at Classic Garden. Finally, at 8 pm, they will leave Begumpet Airport for Ahmedabad.
G. Kishan Reddy, the Union Minister and state president of the party, mentioned in a media statement that an action plan has been devised to ensure that the BJP’s election manifesto reaches every household.