A case has been filed against Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Union Minister G Kishan Reddy, BJP’s Hyderabad Lok Sabha candidate K Madhavi Latha, BJP MLA Raja Singh, and BJP leader Yaman Singh for involving children in an election rally in the Old City. The minors were seen holding the BJP flag with a slogan ‘Ab ki baar, 400 paar’.
Using children in election campaigns is against the rules of the Model Code of Conduct. The violation occurred at Lal Darwaza under the Moghalpura police station, where children held a banner with a slogan on it.
TPCC vice-president G Niranjan sent a complaint by email to the Chief Electoral Officer Vikas Raj on May 2 regarding the incident that took place on May 1 in the city.
In response to the complaint, the Election Commission instructed the Hyderabad Police Commissioner to investigate the incident. Commissioner Kothakota Sreenivas Reddy directed South Zone DCP Sneha Mehra to look into the matter and provide a report. The Moghalpura police conducted an investigation and filed a case under Section 188 IPC.
Amit Shah was in Hyderabad on May 1 to support BJP’s Madhavi Latha’s campaign for the Hyderabad seat.