Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao expressed delight over the Telugu films winning several awards in the 69th National Film Awards. He congratulated Allu Arjun for winning the best actor national award, which is a proud moment for Telugu cinema as it is the first time in 60 years that a Telugu hero has won this award. Allu Arjun became the first Telugu actor to win the best actor award for his film Pushpa, where he showcased his high standard acting skills.
KCR also mentioned that Allu Arjun continued the legacy of his grandfather, Allu Ramalingaiah, and emerged as a great actor on his own with the inspiration of Chiranjeevi. On the same occasion, he congratulated Chandra Bose, an Oscar award winner, for winning the National Award for Best Film lyrics. KCR also congratulated Devi Sri Prasad, Kalabhairava, Purushottamacharyu, and the Producers, Directors, Actors, and Technical staff of many films who won national awards in their respective categories.
The Chief Minister emphasized that Telugu cinema is showcasing its talent at the national and international level from Hyderabad. He expressed his happiness that the Telugu film industry is competing with Indian cinema with the support of the state government. KCR assured that the state government will continue to support the promotion of the Telugu film industry. He hoped that Telugu cinema will expand its reach globally by embracing different cultures.