Hyderabad: A legal case has been filed against popular Telugu actor Allu Arjun. The charges include violations under four sections, such as Section 105, 118(1), and 3/5 of the BNS Act. Notably, Section 105 is a serious, non-bailable offense, which carries a potential jail sentence of 5 to 10 years if proven guilty.
Section 118(1) of the BNS Act also carries severe consequences, with punishments ranging from one year to ten years based on the seriousness of the crime. However, specific details about the allegations and the nature of the charges against the actor are yet to be revealed.
The case has sparked widespread interest, as Allu Arjun is a major figure in the Telugu film industry. Authorities have not shared further information at this time, leaving fans and the general public eagerly awaiting more clarity on the situation.