The Telangana unit of Visva Hindu Parishad (VHP) in Hyderabad has expressed their support for the verdict of the Allahabad High Court. The court rejected all petitions by the mosque committee that challenged civil suits seeking the restoration of a temple at the mosque site. VHP-Telangana joint secretary Dr Ravinuthaka Sashidhar welcomed the court’s decision and mentioned that the court has asked the Varanasi court to complete the hearing in one of these civil suits within six months. He also stated that manufacturing evidence would not be tolerated. This verdict is significant as it comes before the inauguration of a grand Ram Mandir in January next year. Dr Ravinuthaka Sashidhar expressed hope that this verdict would pave the way for the restoration of the Kashi Viswanath temple in Varanasi. He added that ultimately, Dharma would prevail and both the Viswanath temple in Kashi and Krishna temple in Mathura would be restored.
Allahabad HC’s verdict on Gynavapi case receives warm welcome from VHP-TS
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