Actor Akhil Mishra, known for his role as librarian Dubey in the movie “3 Idiots,” passed away in a tragic accident. He was in Hyderabad with his wife Suzanne Bernert for a shoot when the incident occurred.
Reports suggest that Mishra slipped and fell in his kitchen. His body has been sent for post-mortem. Upon hearing the news, Bernert rushed home and was devastated by the loss of her husband.
Mishra had a successful career in both films and television. He appeared in movies like “Don,” “Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi,” “Gandhi My Father,” and many more. On television, he was seen in shows such as “Yum Hain Hum,” “Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se,” and “Pradhanmantri,” among others.
Mishra and Bernert tied the knot on February 3, 2009, and had a traditional wedding ceremony on September 30, 2011. They worked together in the film “Kram” and the TV show “Mera Dil Dewaana.” In 2019, they collaborated on a short film titled “Majnu ki Juliet,” which Mishra wrote, acted in, and directed.