AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi and MIM MP Imtiaz Jalil both voted against the Women’s Reservation Bill in the Lok Sabha. Owaisi explained that they are advocating for representation of OBC and Muslim women in the bill. Currently, OBCs make up more than half of India’s population, but their representation in the Lok Sabha is only 22%. Similarly, Muslim women constitute 7% of the population, but Muslim MPs in the Lok Sabha are only 0.7%. Owaisi questioned why these groups are not adequately represented. He criticized that the Women’s Reservation Bill only provides reservation for upper caste women, excluding those who are fighting for it. Owaisi stated that their vote against the bill was to bring attention to the need for representation of OBC and Muslim women.
AIMIM MPs disclose their reasons for voting against the Women Reservation Bill
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