The state BJP core committee in Hyderabad held a series of meetings ahead of Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit in four days. The committee discussed the road map until December and focused on tapping into anti-incumbency against the BRS by identifying those who are actively supporting the party’s agenda. They also met district presidents, secretaries, and district in-charges to assess the party’s organizational structure. The party in-charges are also making OBC Morcha, Mahila Morcha, and others to connect with people. The planned activities will be briefed to Shah during his visit to seek further directions on the road ahead.
During Shah’s visit, he will address a public meeting in Chevella on April 23 and meet with party leaders of the Chevella Lok Sabha constituency and key State leaders. The national leadership has seized the expected joining of two prominent State leaders, including a former minister, who have put demands before the party for joining BJP.