Yashaswi Jaiswal, a young player, hit his first IPL century during the match between Mumbai Indians and Rajasthan Royals. Although the Royals lost the game, Jaiswal earned the Player of the Match award. During the post-match presentation, Jaiswal said that he follows a process and believes that results will follow. He also expressed gratitude to his fans for supporting him.
Jaiswal revealed that he did not know that the ball had gone for a boundary when he scored the century. He thanked God for the opportunity and said that he always dreamed of working hard and following the process. He added that he keeps himself mentally strong and works on his fitness and diet. Jaiswal also mentioned that he organizes his life well outside of cricket. He enjoys playing the straight drive and cover drive, which gives him confidence.
The Mumbai Indians captain Rohit Sharma praised Jaiswal’s performance and said that he had improved his game this year. Jaiswal has been instrumental in the Royals’ dominance this season by providing good starts regularly.