A local candidate, Adam Santhosh Kumar, will be contesting on the Congress ticket for the Secunderabad Constituency after almost 17 years. Santhosh Kumar has a grassroots background, starting his career as the NSUI Vice President in 1984. He later became the BC cell general secretary of the Youth Congress in undivided Andhra Pradesh. Throughout the years, he held various positions within the NSUI and the Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee.
During his college days, Santhosh Kumar worked in the Indian Railways and was elected to two influential railway unions, the NFIR and the S.C.R.E.S. Both unions are affiliated with INTUC. After taking voluntary retirement, he entered active politics once again.
Currently, Santhosh Kumar is a member of the AICC Strategy Committee and the SCRES Working President, Telangana, INC. In an interview with Hans India, he expressed his struggle of trying to secure a ticket for the past four years. He emphasized that it has been 17 years since a local candidate has contested for the Assembly in his constituency. He mentioned that his wife, Adam Uma Devi, is also a politician who served as a two-time corporator. Santhosh Kumar highlighted his 35 years of involvement with the people in the constituency.
One of the specific challenges in the Cantonment area is the dual administration. Santhosh Kumar has been conducting Basti Pour programs to understand the ground-level issues faced by the residents. He pointed out that apart from the lack of civic amenities, the failure to implement double bedroom houses is a major problem. The ruling party had promised 10,000 houses but failed to fulfill their commitment. As a local candidate, Santhosh Kumar believes he understands the problems better than outsiders and is confident that people will support him in resolving these issues.