The Allahabad High Court in Lucknow spoke out against the controversial dialogues and scenes in the film ‘Adipurush’. The court criticized the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) for approving these controversial parts and asked them to avoid using religious texts such as the Ramayan, Quran, Guru Granth Sahib, and the Bhagavad Gita. Kuldeep Tewari filed an amendment petition that was accepted by a division bench of Justices Rajesh Singh Chauhan and Sriprakash Singh. Ranjana Agnihotri represented the petitioner and listed the controversial scenes and dialogues before the court.
The court accepted all of the objections and made a serious observation on the Censor Board for releasing such a movie. The court also directed the Censor Board to refrain from tampering with religious texts like Ramayan, Quran, Guru Granth Sahib, and the Gita. The court also accepted an application to make Manoj Muntashir, co-writer of dialogues of Adipurush, a party in the case. The final hearing on this case will be on Tuesday.
Earlier this year, a division bench of Chief Justice Rajesh Bindal and Justice Brij Raj Singh issued a notice to the CBFC on January 10 on the PIL filed by Kuldeep Tewari in which objections were raised on content in ‘Adipurush’. The court set February 21, 2024, as the next date of hearing of the case. However, the CBFC did not file its reply and released the movie.