On Monday, several esteemed leaders and well-known personalities from Maharashtra, led by former MLA Shankar Rao Dhondge, officially became members of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) party in Hyderabad. Party Chief K Chandrashekar Rao was present to welcome the new members, who were gifted pink khanduvas as a symbol of their initiation into the party. Among those who joined were NCP state secretary Pradeep Salunkhe, Vijay Thombare (husband of former MLA Sangeeta V Thombare), Nanasaheb Jadhav (who had previously contested as Mudkhed MLA), ZP member M Shiv, ex-Sabhapati Sushil Ghote, ex-ZP member Devanand Moole, Nanded corporator Srinivas Jadhav, Shiv Sangram Party, and others. The addition of these leaders is expected to strengthen the BRS party.
Additional Maharashtra leaders unite with BRS
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