Warangal: Chief Whip D Vinay Bhaskar has announced that more amenities will be provided in Hanumakonda. The government plans to spend Rs 100 crore on these amenities, in addition to the ongoing developmental works in the city. Vinay stated that the Hanumakonda bus station will be modernized for the comfort of travelers. He also instructed officials to address the issue of potholes and ensure that the bus station premises are clean.
Vinay held a review meeting with engineering officials from the Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation (GWMC) to discuss the inconvenience caused by floodwater in low-lying areas. He urged them to pay attention to the road network and drainage system in the city. After the meeting, Vinay inspected the progress of beautification works at Waddepally tank bund.
During his inspection, Vinay was accompanied by GWMC EE Rajaiah, DyEEs Santosh and Ravi Kumar, as well as AEs Srikanth, Vijayalakshmi, and Venkateshwarlu.