Telangana State Public Service Commission Chairman Mahender Reddy reviewed plans for the upcoming Group-1 preliminary examinations with district officials through a video conference. The exams are scheduled for June 9. Additional District Collector Apoorva Chauhan confirmed that all necessary arrangements have been made for the exams in Gadwal district. Infrastructure like electricity, toilets, and drinking water will be provided to ensure candidates have a smooth experience. Police presence will also be strong to maintain security during the exams.
There are 14 examination centers set up in the district for the Group-1 prelims, with Polytechnic College Principal Rammohan acting as the regional coordinator. A total of 5,233 candidates will be taking the exam. To ensure everything runs smoothly, there will be route officers, flying squads, observers, and officers from various departments overseeing the process, along with full police presence.
The video conference took place at the Collector’s office and was attended by TSPSC Regional Coordinator Rammohan, DSP Narender Rao, and other officials.