Telugu actress Hema was arrested in Bengaluru for drugs at a rave party. She initially denied being there, but police had evidence and arrested her on Monday. Hema wore a burqa to hide her identity when she surrendered to the police. She had tested positive for drugs at the party and received a notice from the Anti-Narcotics Wing.
The Central Crime Branch (CCB) teams in Bengaluru had already arrested six people in connection to the rave party bust. Blood samples from 59 men and 27 women tested positive for drugs out of 103 individuals tested. Police found drugs like MDMA, hydro cannabis, and cocaine at the farmhouse, along with high-end cars and DJ equipment worth Rs 1.5 crore.
The CCB’s investigation into the rave party at the GM farmhouse led to the arrest of Telugu actress Hema, who was found to have consumed drugs at the party. Police had evidence of her presence at the party and arrested her on Monday. Hema, wearing a burqa to conceal her identity, surrendered to the police after receiving a notice from the Anti-Narcotics Wing.
The rave party bust resulted in the arrest of six individuals by the CCB teams in Bengaluru. Out of 103 people tested, 86 tested positive for drug use, with 59 men and 27 women among them. Police seized drugs and other items worth Rs 1.5 crore during raids at the farmhouse, including MDMA pills, cocaine, hydro cannabis, and high-end cars.