Telugu actor Navdeep has been asked by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials to appear before them on October 10. The ED wants to question him about his involvement in the Tollywood drug scandal that shook the Telugu film industry in 2017. They issued a notice to Navdeep under section 41A of the CrPC, asking for his appearance.
Recently, the Telangana State Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TSNAB) had also questioned Navdeep about a case that was filed by the Gudimalkapur police in September. TSNAB Director CV Anand had stated that the actor was allegedly in contact with Nigerian drug peddlers who were arrested in a joint operation by TSNAB and Gudimalkapur police in Bengaluru.
The ED’s notice is part of their ongoing investigation into the Tollywood drug scandal. They are looking into the alleged links between film actors and drug peddlers. Navdeep is one of several actors who have been summoned by the ED for questioning. It remains to be seen how Navdeep will respond to the notice and what information he will provide during the investigation.