Hyderabad: Actor and former politician Mohan Babu is currently on the run, and police have stepped up their efforts to find him. The authorities are searching across five different locations after naming him as the prime suspect in an attempted murder case.
Despite conducting extensive operations, the police have not been able to track him down. Multiple teams have been deployed to various areas, but Mohan Babu’s location remains unknown, leading to a full-scale manhunt.
This situation adds to the actor’s growing legal troubles. The attempted murder case has drawn significant attention, with many questioning the circumstances surrounding the incident. The case has sparked widespread discussion and concern.
Mohan Babu’s sudden disappearance has only deepened the mystery. Police are working to uncover more details about the case, but his absence has left both the authorities and the public on edge. The investigation is ongoing, and the actor’s whereabouts remain a pressing concern.